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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace AssetBundleMaster.Common
/// <summary>
/// Global varables in plugin
/// </summary>
public static class GlobalVariable
public static bool isRuntimeMode
return UnityEngine.Application.isPlaying;
return true;
public class IDGen
private static int _ID = 0;
public static int GetNewID
return _ID++;
private int _id = 0;
public int getNewID
return _id++;
public static class Editor
public static class Application
// base of project, the Application path cant be use in editor Ctor
public static readonly FixedStringData projectPath = new FixedStringData(() => { return LeftSlash(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory); });
public static readonly FixedStringData dataPath = new FixedStringData(() => { return LeftSlash(System.IO.Path.Combine(projectPath, "Assets")); });
public static readonly FixedStringData streamingAssetsPath = new FixedStringData(() => { return LeftSlash(System.IO.Path.Combine(dataPath, "StreamingAssets")); });
public const string Resources = "Assets/Resources";
public const string AssetBundleMasterEditorPath = "Assets/Editor/AssetBundleMaster";
public static string AssetBundleMasterEditorConfigPath
return AssetBundleMasterEditorPath + "/EditorConfigs";
public static string LeftSlash(string str)
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) == false)
return str.Replace("\\", "/");
return str;
public class FixedStringData
public bool alwaysGet = true;
private System.Func<string> _valueFunc = null;
private bool _dataRead = false;
public string data { get; private set; }
public FixedStringData(System.Func<string> valueFunc, bool alwaysGet = false)
_valueFunc = valueFunc;
this.alwaysGet = alwaysGet;
public static implicit operator string(FixedStringData data)
if(data.alwaysGet || false == data._dataRead)
data._dataRead = true; = data._valueFunc.Invoke();