File name
Commit message
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
namespace AssetBundleMaster.AssetLoad
using AssetBundleMaster.Common;
using AssetBundleMaster.GameUtilities;
using AssetBundleMaster.Extention;
using TypeDataPool = ObjectPool.GlobalAllocator<AssetLoadManager.TypeData>; // obj pool
using TypeDataListPool = ObjectPool.GlobalAllocator<List<AssetLoadManager.TypeData>>; // obj pool
public enum ResourcesLoadMode
Resources = 1, // load orgin resource -- not bundled
AssetBundle_StreamingAssets = 2, // build assetbundle to streaming assets
AssetBundle_PersistentDataPath = 3, // release assetbundle to PersistentDataPath
AssetBundle_Remote = 4, // load from resource servre by webrequest
AssetBundle_EditorTest = 5, // test mode in editor
AssetDataBase_Editor = 6, // straight load in editor
// load mark for Async / Sync
public enum LoadThreadMode
Asynchronous = 1,
Synchronous = 2,
public class AssetLoadManager : SingletonComponent<AssetLoadManager>
#region Defines
public class TypeData
public Type type { get; private set; }
public AssetLoaderBase loader { get; private set; }
public TypeData Set(Type type, AssetLoaderBase value)
this.type = type;
this.loader = value;
return this;
public void Clear()
type = null;
loader = null;
public static implicit operator AssetLoader(TypeData typeData)
return typeData != null ? typeData.loader as AssetLoader : null;
public static implicit operator AssetList(TypeData typeData)
return typeData != null ? typeData.loader as AssetList : null;
public static implicit operator LevelLoader(TypeData typeData)
return typeData != null ? typeData.loader as LevelLoader : null;
public class CountDown
public float countDownTime = 0.0f;
public bool started { get; private set; }
public float startTime { get; private set; }
private float timeNow
return Time.time;
return Time.unscaledTime;
public float waitingTime
return started ? startTime + countDownTime - timeNow : 0.0f;
public void Start()
started = true;
startTime = timeNow;
public bool Finished()
bool finished = started && (timeNow - startTime) >= countDownTime;
started = false;
return finished;
public void Stop()
started = false;
public struct AssetLoadInfo
public bool isBundleMode;
public string assetLoadPath;
public System.Type systemTypeInstance;
public LoadThreadMode loadThreadMode;
public bool unloadable;
public AssetList assetList;
public class Configs
public bool isBundleMode;
public bool isResourcesMode;
public bool isRemoteAssets;
public int downloadTimes;
public bool forceUnloadMode;
public static Configs LoadFromGameConfig(GameConfig gameConfig)
var configs = new Configs();
configs.isBundleMode = gameConfig.isBundleMode;
configs.isResourcesMode = gameConfig.isResourcesMode;
configs.isRemoteAssets = gameConfig.isRemoteAssets;
configs.downloadTimes = gameConfig.gameConfigSetting.DownloadTryTimes;
configs.forceUnloadMode = gameConfig.isResourcesMode;
configs.forceUnloadMode |= gameConfig.isEditorMode;
return configs;
#region Variables
// wait time for unloading assets
public float unloadPaddingTime = 30f;
public int minUnloadAssetCounter = 60; // the auto unload will be call after _unusedAssetCount is greater than minUnloadAssetCounter
#region cached datas
// assetbundle loader cache
private Dictionary<string, AssetBundleLoader> _assetBundleRequests = new Dictionary<string, AssetBundleLoader>();
// asset loaders
private Dictionary<string, List<TypeData>> _assetLoaders = new Dictionary<string, List<TypeData>>();
// asset list loaders
private Dictionary<string, List<TypeData>> _assetLists = new Dictionary<string, List<TypeData>>();
// level loaders
private Dictionary<string, List<TypeData>> _levelLoaders = new Dictionary<string, List<TypeData>>();
// a hash reference for the asset loader
private Dictionary<int, AssetList> _assetLoaderHashDict = new Dictionary<int, AssetList>();
private Dictionary<int, LevelLoader> _levelLoaderHashDict = new Dictionary<int, LevelLoader>();
// marks different level load with same asset bundle name
private Dictionary<string, string> _uniqueLevelNames = new Dictionary<string, string>();
// control marks
private bool _unloadUnloadedLoaders = false;
private static int _unusedAssetCount = 0;
private System.Text.StringBuilder _uniqueNameSB = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
private static readonly CountDown ms_assetUnloadCountDown = new CountDown();
private static readonly CountDown ms_resourceUnloadCountDown = new CountDown();
private CountDown m_inverseUnloadCountDown = null;
private Common.QueueCommands m_initWait = null;
private static readonly HashSet<string> ms_unloadedAssets = new HashSet<string>();
private static readonly HashSet<string> ms_unloadingAssets = new HashSet<string>();
#region Properties
public bool Prepared { get; private set; }
public AssetBundleManifest assetBundleManifest { get; private set; }
public Configs configs { get; private set; }
public float unloadAssetsWaitingTime { get { return ms_assetUnloadCountDown.waitingTime; } }
public float unloadResourcesWaitingTime { get { return ms_resourceUnloadCountDown.waitingTime; } }
#region Events
public static event System.Action<HashSet<string>> onResourcesUnloaded = null;
#region Override Funcs
protected override void Initialize()
Prepared = false;
configs = Configs.LoadFromGameConfig(GameConfig.Instance);
// pools
TypeDataPool.Set(create: () => { return new TypeData(); }, deAllocate: (_typeData) =>
TypeDataListPool.Set(create: () => { return new List<TypeData>(); }, deAllocate: (_list) =>
Debug.Log("Program Basic Version is : " + GameConfig.Instance.gameConfigSetting.Version);
Debug.Log("Asset Load Mode is : " + GameConfig.Instance.resourceLoadMode);
Debug.Log("Asset Load Root is : " + GameConfig.Instance.ShowLoadRootPath());
m_inverseUnloadCountDown = new CountDown() { countDownTime = 2.0f };
AssetList.assetChanged += OnAssetListAssetChanged;
protected override void UnInitialize()
throw new Exception("Don't Destroy AssetLoadManager in Runtime !");
#region Main Funcs
/// <summary>
/// only if the asset bundle load from remote url, should do load assets after Inided
/// </summary>
/// <param name="onloaded"></param>
public void OnAssetLoadModuleInited(System.Action onloaded)
if(m_initWait != null)
m_initWait.Enqueue(new Command() { cmd = (_) => { onloaded.Invoke(); } });
/// <summary>
/// Load Assets From Path, their are multi assets in a same load path maybe
/// </summary>
/// <param name="assetLoadPath"></param>
/// <param name="loadAllAssets"></param>
/// <param name="systemTypeInstance"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public UnityEngine.Object[] LoadAssets(string assetLoadPath, System.Type systemTypeInstance, bool unloadable)
var list = LoadAssetList(assetLoadPath, systemTypeInstance, unloadable);
return list.Assets;
// intermedia func
public AssetList LoadAssetList(string assetLoadPath, System.Type systemTypeInstance, bool unloadable)
var list = LoadAssetsWrapped(assetLoadPath, false, systemTypeInstance, LoadThreadMode.Synchronous, unloadable, null);
return list;
/// <summary>
/// Load All Assets From Path Async
/// </summary>
/// <param name="assetLoadPath"></param>
/// <param name="loadAllAssets"></param>
/// <param name="systemTypeInstance"></param>
/// <param name="loaded"></param>
public AssetList LoadAssetsAsync(string assetLoadPath, System.Type systemTypeInstance, bool unloadable,
System.Action<UnityEngine.Object[]> loaded)
var list = LoadAssetsWrapped(assetLoadPath, false, systemTypeInstance, LoadThreadMode.Asynchronous, unloadable, loaded);
return list;
/// <summary>
/// Load All Assets From Path, Folder load integrated
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="assetLoadPath"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public UnityEngine.Object[] LoadAllAssets(string assetLoadPath, System.Type systemTypeInstance, bool unloadable)
var list = LoadAllAssetList(assetLoadPath, systemTypeInstance, unloadable);
return list.Assets;
// intermedia func
public AssetList LoadAllAssetList(string assetLoadPath, System.Type systemTypeInstance, bool unloadable)
var list = LoadAssetsWrapped(assetLoadPath, true, systemTypeInstance, LoadThreadMode.Synchronous, unloadable, null);
return list;
/// <summary>
/// Load All Assets From Path Async, Folder load integrated
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="assetLoadPath"></param>
/// <param name="loaded"></param>
public AssetList LoadAllAssetsAsync(string assetLoadPath, System.Type systemTypeInstance, bool unloadable, System.Action<UnityEngine.Object[]> loaded)
return LoadAssetsWrapped(assetLoadPath, true, systemTypeInstance, LoadThreadMode.Asynchronous, unloadable, loaded);
/// <summary>
/// base load all func
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="assetLoadPath"></param>
/// <param name="loadThreadMode"></param>
/// <param name="loadAll"></param>
/// <param name="loaded"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private AssetList LoadAssetsWrapped(string assetLoadPath,
bool loadAll,
System.Type systemTypeInstance,
LoadThreadMode loadThreadMode,
bool unloadable,
System.Action<UnityEngine.Object[]> loaded)
var typeData = GetTypeData(_assetLists, assetLoadPath, systemTypeInstance);
AssetList assetList = typeData; // auto cast
bool isNewAssetList = (assetList == null || assetList.unloaded);
bool newLoad = isNewAssetList || (loadAll && assetList.loadAll != loadAll);
assetList = new AssetList(assetLoadPath, systemTypeInstance, loadThreadMode, loadAll);
typeData.Set(systemTypeInstance, assetList);
AssetLoadInfo assetLoadInfo = new AssetLoadInfo()
isBundleMode = configs.isBundleMode,
assetLoadPath = assetLoadPath,
systemTypeInstance = systemTypeInstance,
loadThreadMode = loadThreadMode,
unloadable = unloadable,
assetList = assetList
AccessLoadPathFiles(assetLoadPath, assetLoadInfo, (_filePath, _assetName, _assetLoadInfo) =>
// the load mode diferent, the loadpath and assetbundle name is inverted
var assetLoader = AssetLoadManager.Instance.GetUniqueAssetLoader(_assetLoadInfo.isBundleMode ? _assetLoadInfo.assetLoadPath : _filePath,
_assetLoadInfo.isBundleMode ? _filePath : _assetLoadInfo.assetLoadPath,
assetList.unloadable &= unloadable;
AssetListLoadRequest(assetList, loadThreadMode, loadAll, loaded);
return assetList;
/// <summary>
/// Unload asset by has code
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hashCode"></param>
/// <param name="unloadImmediate"></param>
public void UnloadAsset(int hashCode)
var assetList = _assetLoaderHashDict.TryGetValue(hashCode);
if(assetList != null)
if(configs.isBundleMode == false)
_unusedAssetCount++; // need to call Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets();
/// <summary>
/// Load Level
/// Notice: the LevelLoaded callback, Unity load scene in an Async way even in Sync Mode!
/// Notice: the same named level is the same in memory though they are not the same assetbundle name!
/// </summary>
/// <param name="levelLoadPath"></param>
/// <param name="loadMode"></param>
/// <param name="loadSceneMode"></param>
/// <param name="callBack"> even Async Mode, should wait for the call back </param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int LoadLevel(string levelLoadPath, LoadThreadMode loadMode, UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode loadSceneMode,
System.Action<int, UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene> callBack)
int hashCode = 0;
var levelLoader = GetLevelLoader(levelLoadPath, loadSceneMode, loadMode, true); // level loader alywas new
hashCode = levelLoader.GetHashCode();
if(callBack != null)
// complete call is from SceneManagement
levelLoader.completed.PushCall((_loader) =>
var _levelLoader = _loader as LevelLoader;
if(_levelLoader != null)
if(callBack != null)
callBack.Invoke(_levelLoader.GetHashCode(), _levelLoader.scene); // call back should not ref an outer data
if(levelLoader.assetBundleLoader != null)
return hashCode;
/// <summary>
/// Unload loaded / loading scene with unique ID
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hashCode"></param>
/// <param name="unloaded"></param>
/// <param name="unloadImmediate"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool UnloadLevel(int hashCode, System.Action<int, UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene> unloaded = null)
var levelLoader = _levelLoaderHashDict.TryGetValue(hashCode);
if(levelLoader != null)
// unload scene and assets
levelLoader.UnloadScene((_scene) =>
if(false == levelLoader.unloadable || configs.forceUnloadMode)
if(_levelLoaders.ContainsKey(levelLoader.loadPath) == false)
if(ms_assetUnloadCountDown.started == false)
RequestUnloadUnusedAssets(); // force to unload in case the Scene assets is already unloaded
if(unloaded != null)
unloaded.Invoke(hashCode, _scene);
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Unload scene assets only, keep the scene alive
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hashCode"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool UnloadLevelAssets(int hashCode)
var levelLoader = _levelLoaderHashDict.TryGetValue(hashCode);
if(levelLoader != null)
levelLoader.ChangeAllUnloadable(false); // scene assets changed to be not unloadable
levelLoader.Unload(false); // unload scene assets, bit keep ref in _assetLoaderHash, don't remove it
return true;
return false;
#region Help Funcs
/// <summary>
/// Access load path, get real asset load path
/// </summary>
/// <param name="loadPath"></param>
/// <param name="filePathAccess"></param>
public void AccessLoadPathFiles(string loadPath, AssetLoadInfo assetLoadInfo, System.Action<string, string, AssetLoadInfo> filePathAccess)
if(filePathAccess != null)
loadPath = Utility.LeftSlash(loadPath);
case ResourcesLoadMode.AssetDataBase_Editor:
Utility.AccessEditorPath(loadPath, assetLoadInfo, filePathAccess);
case ResourcesLoadMode.Resources:
filePathAccess.Invoke(loadPath, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(loadPath), assetLoadInfo); // load a folder just use folder path in Resources Load Mode
foreach(var assetFile in LocalVersion.Instance.versionInfo.AccessFilesEnumerable(loadPath, System.IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
if(assetFile != null && assetFile.FinalFullNames != null && assetFile.FinalFullNames.Count > 0)
for(int i = 0; i < assetFile.FinalFullNames.Count; i++)
filePathAccess.Invoke(assetFile.FinalFullNames[i], assetFile.FileName, assetLoadInfo);
var assetFile = LocalVersion.Instance.versionInfo.SearchFile(loadPath);
if(assetFile != null && assetFile.FinalFullNames != null && assetFile.FinalFullNames.Count > 0)
for(int i = 0, imax = assetFile.FinalFullNames.Count; i < imax; i++)
filePathAccess.Invoke(assetFile.FinalFullNames[i], assetFile.FileName, assetLoadInfo);
/// <summary>
/// every level loader is a new loader
/// </summary>
/// <param name="levelLoadPath"></param>
/// <param name="loadSceneMode"></param>
/// <param name="loadMode"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private LevelLoader GetLevelLoader(string levelLoadPath, UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode loadSceneMode, LoadThreadMode loadMode, bool unloadable)
var levelName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(levelLoadPath);
LevelLoader levelLoader = null;
AssetBundleLoader assetBundleLoader = null;
var assetSource = GetAssetSource();
/* level loader is kind of special, on assetbundle mode, the scene name is an unique mark for assetbundle, it can't be load at the same time */
var existsLoadPath = _uniqueLevelNames.TryGetValue(levelName);
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(existsLoadPath) == false && string.Equals(existsLoadPath, levelLoadPath, StringComparison.Ordinal) == false)
// get old asset bundle loader
assetBundleLoader = _assetBundleRequests.TryGetValue(Utility.AssetPathToAssetBundleName(existsLoadPath));
if(assetBundleLoader != null)
if(assetBundleLoader.mainAssetBundle != null)
assetBundleLoader.mainAssetBundle.Release(true); // unload main Asset Bundle
var assetBundleName = Utility.AssetPathToAssetBundleName(levelLoadPath);
assetBundleLoader = GetAssetBundleLoader(assetBundleName, loadMode, assetSource, unloadable);
_uniqueLevelNames[levelName] = levelLoadPath;
// level loader is always new one
levelLoader = new LevelLoader(levelLoadPath, levelName, loadSceneMode, assetSource, assetBundleLoader);
_levelLoaderHashDict[levelLoader.GetHashCode()] = levelLoader; // the Assets is Null
// add every time, not unique
var typeDatas = _levelLoaders.GetValue(levelLoadPath, () => { return TypeDataListPool.Allocate(); });
var typeData = TypeDataPool.Allocate().Set(null, levelLoader);
return levelLoader;
/// <summary>
/// Get asset bundle loader from cache or new
/// </summary>
/// <param name="assetBundleName"></param>
/// <param name="loadBundleMode"></param>
/// <param name="assetSource"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private AssetBundleLoader GetAssetBundleLoader(string assetBundleName, LoadThreadMode loadBundleMode, AssetSource assetSource, bool unloadable)
AssetBundleLoader assetBundleLoader = _assetBundleRequests.TryGetValue(assetBundleName);
if(assetBundleLoader == null || assetBundleLoader.unloaded)
assetBundleLoader = new AssetBundleLoader(assetBundleName, assetSource);
_assetBundleRequests[assetBundleName] = assetBundleLoader;
assetBundleLoader.unloadable &= unloadable;
return assetBundleLoader;
/// <summary>
/// load asset as unique in case we have multiple same named resource files
/// </summary>
/// <param name="assetLoadPath"></param>
/// <param name="assetBundleName"></param>
/// <param name="assetName"></param>
/// <param name="systemTypeInstance"></param>
/// <param name="loadMode"></param>
/// <param name="isNew"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private AssetLoader GetUniqueAssetLoader(string assetLoadPath,
string assetBundleName,
string assetName,
System.Type systemTypeInstance,
LoadThreadMode loadMode,
bool unloadable)
string uniqueName = GenerateUniqueName(assetLoadPath, assetBundleName, assetName);
var typeData = GetTypeData(_assetLoaders, uniqueName, systemTypeInstance);
AssetLoader assetLoader = typeData;
if((assetLoader == null || assetLoader.unloaded))
AssetBundleLoader assetBundleLoader = null;
var assetSource = GetAssetSource();
assetBundleLoader = GetAssetBundleLoader(assetBundleName, loadMode, assetSource, unloadable);
assetLoader = new AssetLoader(assetLoadPath, assetName, systemTypeInstance, assetSource, assetBundleLoader, false);
typeData.Set(systemTypeInstance, assetLoader);
assetLoader.unloadable &= unloadable;
return assetLoader;
/// <summary>
/// Asset list to load
/// </summary>
/// <param name="assetList"></param>
/// <param name="loadThreadMode"></param>
/// <param name="loadAll"></param>
/// <param name="loaded"></param>
private void AssetListLoadRequest(AssetList assetList,
LoadThreadMode loadThreadMode,
bool loadAll,
System.Action<UnityEngine.Object[]> loaded)
assetList.loadAll = loadAll;
if(loaded != null)
assetList.completed.PushCall((_loader) =>
/// <summary>
/// loaded asset changed, switch the reference
/// </summary>
/// <param name="assetList"></param>
/// <param name="from"></param>
/// <param name="to"></param>
private void OnAssetListAssetChanged(AssetList assetList, UnityEngine.Object[] from)
if(from != null)
/// <summary>
/// Cache loader hash
/// </summary>
/// <param name="loader"></param>
private void HashLog(AssetList loader)
if(loader != null && loader.Assets != null)
_assetLoaderHashDict[loader.Assets.GetHashCode()] = loader;
/// <summary>
/// make unique name from asset load path etc.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="assetLoadPath"></param>
/// <param name="assetBundleName"></param>
/// <param name="assetName"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private string GenerateUniqueName(string assetLoadPath, string assetBundleName, string assetName)
_uniqueNameSB.Length = 0;
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetBundleName) == false)
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetName) == false)
return _uniqueNameSB.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// deferent asset mode has different asset sources
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private AssetSource GetAssetSource()
case ResourcesLoadMode.Resources:
return AssetSource.Resources;
case ResourcesLoadMode.AssetDataBase_Editor:
return AssetSource.AssetDataBase;
case ResourcesLoadMode.AssetBundle_EditorTest:
case ResourcesLoadMode.AssetBundle_StreamingAssets:
case ResourcesLoadMode.AssetBundle_PersistentDataPath:
return AssetSource.LocalAssetBundle;
case ResourcesLoadMode.AssetBundle_Remote:
return AssetSource.RemoteAssetBundle;
{ return AssetSource.Resources; }
/// <summary>
/// Wrapped to get target type data
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dict"></param>
/// <param name="uniqueName"></param>
/// <param name="systemTypeInstance"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private TypeData GetTypeData(Dictionary<string, List<TypeData>> dict, string uniqueName, System.Type systemTypeInstance)
var typeData = dict.GetValue(uniqueName, () =>
return TypeDataListPool.Allocate();
}).GetValue((_typeData) =>
return _typeData.type == systemTypeInstance;
}, () =>
return TypeDataPool.Allocate();
return typeData;
#region Others
private void LoadAssetBundleManifest()
AssetBundleWebRequestController.Instance.MaxFailedCount = configs.downloadTimes;
m_initWait = new Common.QueueCommands();
EnqueueDownloadCommand(m_initWait, string.Concat(GameConfig.Instance.gameConfigSetting.RemoteURL, "/", typeof(AssetBundleManifest).Name), OnAssetBundleManifest);
EnqueueDownloadCommand(m_initWait, string.Concat(GameConfig.Instance.gameConfigSetting.RemoteURL, "/", LocalVersion.VersionInfoBundleName), (_assetBundle) =>
LocalVersion.Instance.versionInfo = LocalVersion.OnVersionInfoAssetBundle(_assetBundle);
Debug.Log("Current BundleVerison Version is : [" + LocalVersion.Instance.versionInfo.BundleVerison + "]");
var assetBundleManifestBundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(Utility.AssetBundleNameToAssetBundlePath(GameConfig.AssetBundleManifestName, GameConfig.Instance.resourceLoadMode));
Debug.Log("Current BundleVerison Version is : [" + LocalVersion.Instance.versionInfo.BundleVerison + "]");
private void OnAssetBundleManifest(AssetBundle assetBundleManifestBundle)
assetBundleManifest = assetBundleManifestBundle.LoadAsset<AssetBundleManifest>(GameConfig.AssetBundleManifestName);
AssetBundleLoader.AssetBundleManifest = assetBundleManifest;
private void EnqueueDownloadCommand(Common.QueueCommands queue, string url, System.Action<AssetBundle> access)
var download = new Command() { data = false, finishFunc = (_cmd) => { return (bool); } };
AssetBundleWebRequestController.Instance.DownloadAssetBundle(url, null,
(_assetBundle) =>
if(access != null)
} = true;
private void CheckPrepared()
Prepared = assetBundleManifest && LocalVersion.Instance.versionInfo != null;
Prepared = true;
#region Auto Unload
private void ClearRequest()
_unloadUnloadedLoaders = true;
ms_assetUnloadCountDown.countDownTime = configs.isBundleMode ? unloadPaddingTime : 0.0f; // if no assetBundle Mode, no need wait.
ms_resourceUnloadCountDown.countDownTime = unloadPaddingTime; // call unload should always wait
private void RequestUnloadUnusedAssets()
private void ClearUnusedAssetLoaders(Dictionary<string, List<TypeData>> dict)
if(dict.Count > 0)
dict.RemoveAll((_uniqueName, _typeDataList) =>
if(_typeDataList.Count > 0)
_typeDataList.RemoveAll((_typeData) =>
if(_typeData == null)
return true;
bool unload = (_typeData.loader == null) || (_typeData.loader.unloaded);
return unload;
// only main assets has no more used, should call unload func, especially important for None-AssetBundle mode
bool remove = _typeDataList.Count == 0;
if(ms_assetUnloadCountDown.started == false)
return remove;
private void TickUnferencedAssetBundleLoader()
if(_assetBundleRequests.Count > 0)
_assetBundleRequests.RemoveAll((_uniqueName, _assetBundleLoader) =>
if(_assetBundleLoader == null)
return true;
if(_assetBundleLoader.mainAssetBundle != null && (_assetBundleLoader.mainAssetBundle.referenceCount <= 0 || _assetBundleLoader.unloaded))
_unusedAssetCount += _assetBundleLoader.unmanagedAssetCount;
return true;
return false;
private void TickUnloadedLoaders()
_unloadUnloadedLoaders = false;
private void UpdateUnload()
RequestUnloadUnusedAssets(); // in AssetBundle mode, only when assetbundle unloaded, should call res unload
if(_unusedAssetCount > minUnloadAssetCounter)
_unusedAssetCount = 0;
if(CoroutineRoot.Instance.IsCoroutineRunning(_unloadID) == false)
_unloadID = CoroutineRoot.Instance.StartCoroutineEx(UnloadUnusedAssets());
private int _unloadID = CoroutineRoot.NULL;
private IEnumerator UnloadUnusedAssets()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(unloadPaddingTime);
Debug.Log("Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets ...");
yield return Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets();
if(onResourcesUnloaded != null)
_unloadID = CoroutineRoot.NULL;
private void AssetLostUnload()
if(_unloadID != CoroutineRoot.NULL)
if(m_inverseUnloadCountDown != null && m_inverseUnloadCountDown.Finished())
private void Update()