File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
File name
Commit message
Commit date
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
namespace AssetBundleMaster.ResourceLoad
using AssetBundleMaster.AssetLoad;
using AssetBundleMaster.Extention;
using AssetBundleMaster.ContainerUtilities;
using AssetBundleMaster.Common;
using TypeDataPool = ObjectPool.GlobalAllocator<ResourcePool.TypeData>;
using TypeDataListPool = ObjectPool.GlobalAllocator<List<ResourcePool.TypeData>>;
public static class ResourcePool
#region Defines
public class TypeData
public Type type { get; private set; }
public WeakReference<UnityEngine.Object[]> singleAsset = null;
public WeakReference<UnityEngine.Object[]> allAssets = null;
public WeakReference<UnityEngine.Object> singleAssetRef = null; // used for cache referenced target
public WeakList<UnityEngine.Object> mutiAssetsRef = null; // used for cache referenced targets
private WeakReference<UnityEngine.Object[]> _allObjs = null; // cached type change
public bool unloadable = true;
public bool allAssetsLoaded { get { return allAssets != null; } }
public bool anyUnloaded = false;
public System.Action<System.Type, int> onUnload = null;
public TypeData() { }
#region Main Funcs
public TypeData Set(Type type, UnityEngine.Object[] value, bool isAll)
this.type = type;
anyUnloaded = false;
SetAsset(ref allAssets, value);
SetAsset(ref mutiAssetsRef, value);
SetAsset(ref singleAsset, value);
SetAsset(ref singleAssetRef, value);
return this;
// get single can't ignor all assets
public UnityEngine.Object GetObject()
if(singleAssetRef != null)
var obj = singleAssetRef.Object;
return obj;
if(mutiAssetsRef != null && mutiAssetsRef.Count > 0)
return mutiAssetsRef[0];
return null;
// get all can ignor single asset
public UnityEngine.Object[] GetAllObjects()
if(mutiAssetsRef != null && mutiAssetsRef.Count > 0)
if(_allObjs == null)
_allObjs = WeakReference<UnityEngine.Object[]>.Allocate();
if(_allObjs.Target == null)
var objs = Utility.CreateAssetArray(type, mutiAssetsRef.Count); // must use CreateInstance for type casting
mutiAssetsRef.CopyTo(objs, 0);
return _allObjs.Object;
return null;
public bool Contains(UnityEngine.Object target)
if(singleAssetRef != null)
if(singleAssetRef.Object == target)
return true;
if(mutiAssetsRef != null)
return true;
return false;
public bool Unload(UnityEngine.Object target)
bool unloaded = false;
if(singleAssetRef != null && singleAssetRef.Object == target)
unloaded = true;
if(onUnload != null)
onUnload.Invoke(type, singleAssetRef.hash);
singleAssetRef.Object = null;
if(mutiAssetsRef != null)
int hash = 0;
if(mutiAssetsRef.Replace(target, null, ref hash) >= 0)
if(onUnload != null)
onUnload.Invoke(type, hash);
unloaded = true;
if(unloaded && NoAsset())
return unloaded;
public void UnloadAll()
if(singleAsset != null)
if(allAssets != null)
// asset bundle will be Unload(true)
if(mutiAssetsRef != null)
WeakList<UnityEngine.Object>.DeAllocate(ref mutiAssetsRef);
if(singleAssetRef != null)
WeakReference<UnityEngine.Object>.DeAllocate(ref singleAssetRef);
if(_allObjs != null)
WeakReference<UnityEngine.Object[]>.DeAllocate(ref _allObjs);
public void Clear()
type = null;
unloadable = true;
anyUnloaded = false;
WeakReference<UnityEngine.Object[]>.DeAllocate(ref singleAsset);
WeakReference<UnityEngine.Object[]>.DeAllocate(ref allAssets);
WeakReference<UnityEngine.Object>.DeAllocate(ref singleAssetRef);
WeakList<UnityEngine.Object>.DeAllocate(ref mutiAssetsRef);
WeakReference<UnityEngine.Object[]>.DeAllocate(ref _allObjs);
#region Help Funcs
public bool NoAsset()
if(singleAssetRef != null && singleAssetRef.Target != null)
return false;
if(mutiAssetsRef != null)
for(int i = 0; i < mutiAssetsRef.Count; i++)
return false;
return true;
// if asset lost return false
public bool CheckAssetNotLost(bool checkAll)
return false;
if(mutiAssetsRef != null && mutiAssetsRef.Count > 0)
for(int i = 0; i < mutiAssetsRef.Count; i++)
var asset = mutiAssetsRef[i];
if(asset == false)
return false;
return true;
if(singleAssetRef != null)
var asset = singleAssetRef.Object;
return asset;
return false;
public bool IsAllAssetsLost()
if(singleAssetRef != null && singleAssetRef.Object)
return false;
if(mutiAssetsRef != null && mutiAssetsRef.Count > 0)
for(int i = 0; i < mutiAssetsRef.Count; i++)
var asset = mutiAssetsRef[i];
return false;
return true;
private void SetAsset(ref WeakReference<UnityEngine.Object[]> weakRef, UnityEngine.Object[] value)
if(weakRef == null)
weakRef = WeakReference<UnityEngine.Object[]>.Allocate(value);
private void SetAsset(ref WeakList<UnityEngine.Object> weakList, UnityEngine.Object[] value)
if(weakList == null)
weakList = WeakList<UnityEngine.Object>.Allocate();
private void SetAsset(ref WeakReference<UnityEngine.Object> weakRef, UnityEngine.Object[] value)
if(weakRef == null)
weakRef = WeakReference<UnityEngine.Object>.Allocate();
weakRef.SetTarget(value != null && value.Length > 0 ? value[0] : null);
// Resource reference pool is totally weakreferences.
private static Dictionary<string, List<TypeData>> _pool = new Dictionary<string, List<TypeData>>();
private static Dictionary<System.Type, Dictionary<int, TypeData>> _resInv = new Dictionary<System.Type, Dictionary<int, TypeData>>();
private static System.Action<System.Type, int> _onAssetUnload = null;
static ResourcePool()
AssetBundleMaster.AssetLoad.AssetList.onAssetListLoaded = new Action<AssetList>(ResourcePool.OnLoaded);
AssetBundleMaster.AssetLoad.AssetLoadManager.onResourcesUnloaded += ResourcePool.CheckUnloadedAssets;
_onAssetUnload = new System.Action<System.Type, int>(OnSingleAssetUnload);
TypeDataPool.Set(() => { return new TypeData() { onUnload = _onAssetUnload }; }, (_typeData) => { _typeData.Clear(); });
TypeDataListPool.Set(() => { return new List<TypeData>(); }, (_typeDatas) => { _typeDatas.Clear(); });
#region Main Funcs
/// <summary>
/// Load asset from a path.
/// Notice : if in Resources mode, the loadPath can't be a directory path,
/// and in other mode pass a directory path will load the first asset in the folder
/// </summary>
/// <param name="loadPath"></param>
/// <param name="systemTypeInstance"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static UnityEngine.Object Load(string loadPath, System.Type systemTypeInstance, bool unloadable)
var loaded = GetAssetFromCache(loadPath, systemTypeInstance, unloadable);
return loaded;
var assets = AssetLoadManager.Instance.LoadAssets(loadPath, systemTypeInstance, unloadable);
return (assets != null && assets.Length > 0) ? assets[0] : null;
/// <summary>
/// Load all assets from a path.
/// Notice : if pass a directory path, it will load all target type assets from the folder,
/// and if pass a file path(without ext name), it will load all target type assets with the same file name
/// </summary>
/// <param name="loadPath"></param>
/// <param name="systemTypeInstance"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static UnityEngine.Object[] LoadAll(string loadPath, System.Type systemTypeInstance, bool unloadable)
var loadedObjs = GetAllAssetsFromCache(loadPath, systemTypeInstance, unloadable);
if(loadedObjs != null)
return loadedObjs;
var assets = AssetLoadManager.Instance.LoadAllAssets(loadPath, systemTypeInstance, unloadable);
return assets;
/// <summary>
/// Load asset from a path.
/// Notice : if in Resources mode, the loadPath can't be a directory path,
/// and in other mode pass a directory path will load the first asset in the folder
/// </summary>
/// <param name="loadPath"></param>
/// <param name="systemTypeInstance"></param>
/// <param name="loaded"></param>
public static void LoadAsync(string loadPath, System.Type systemTypeInstance, System.Action<UnityEngine.Object> loaded, bool unloadable)
var obj = GetAssetFromCache(loadPath, systemTypeInstance, unloadable);
if(loaded != null)
var call = (loaded != null) ? new System.Action<UnityEngine.Object[]>((_assets) =>
var tagObj = (_assets != null && _assets.Length > 0) ? _assets[0] : null;
if(loaded != null)
}) : null;
AssetLoadManager.Instance.LoadAssetsAsync(loadPath, systemTypeInstance, unloadable, call);
/// <summary>
/// Load all assets from a path.
/// Notice : if pass a directory path, it will load all target type assets from the folder,
/// and if pass a file path(without ext name), it will load all target type assets with the same file name
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="loadPath"></param>
/// <param name="loaded"></param>
public static void LoadAllAsync(string loadPath, System.Type systemTypeInstance, System.Action<UnityEngine.Object[]> loaded, bool unloadable)
var loadedObjs = GetAllAssetsFromCache(loadPath, systemTypeInstance, unloadable);
if(loadedObjs != null)
if(loaded != null)
AssetLoadManager.Instance.LoadAllAssetsAsync(loadPath, systemTypeInstance, unloadable, loaded);
/// <summary>
/// This logic is just for compatible with Resources.LoadAsync(...), recommand to use
/// LoadAsync(string loadPath, System.Type systemTypeInstance, System.Action<UnityEngine.Object> loaded) instead!!!
/// It works but no efficiency
/// </summary>
/// <param name="loadPath"></param>
/// <param name="systemTypeInstance"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static AssetBundleMaster.ResourceLoad.ResourceRequest LoadAsync(string loadPath, System.Type systemTypeInstance, bool unloadable)
var obj = GetAssetFromCache(loadPath, systemTypeInstance, unloadable);
return new AssetBundleMaster.ResourceLoad.ResourceRequest().Set(obj);
var loader = AssetLoadManager.Instance.LoadAssetsAsync(loadPath, systemTypeInstance, unloadable, null);
return new AssetBundleMaster.ResourceLoad.ResourceRequest().Set(loader);
/// <summary>
/// Unload Asset with target type and load path, Recommand use this API to unload assets in AssetBundle Mode
/// </summary>
/// <param name="loadPath"></param>
/// <param name="systemTypeInstance"></param>
/// <param name="inherit"></param>
public static void UnloadAsset(string loadPath, System.Type systemTypeInstance, bool inherit = false)
var typeDatas = _pool.TryGetValue(loadPath);
if(typeDatas != null)
for(int i = typeDatas.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var typeData = typeDatas[i];
if(typeData.type == systemTypeInstance || (inherit && typeData.type.IsSubclassOf(systemTypeInstance)))
Debug.LogWarning("This asset is no exists:" + loadPath);
/// <summary>
/// Unload asset with no type define, this is a inaccurate API
/// </summary>
/// <param name="asset"></param>
/// <param name="inherit"></param>
public static void UnloadAsset(UnityEngine.Object asset)
UnloadAsset(asset, asset.GetType());
/// <summary>
/// Unload Asset with target set type, incase error type
/// </summary>
/// <param name="asset"></param>
/// <param name="loadType"></param>
public static void UnloadAsset(UnityEngine.Object asset, System.Type loadType)
var typeList = _resInv.TryGetValue(loadType);
if(typeList != null)
var typeData = typeList.TryGetValue(asset.GetHashCode());
if(typeData != null)
// unload target
typeData.anyUnloaded = true;
/// <summary>
/// Unload All Assets
/// </summary>
public static void UnloadAllAssets()
foreach(var typeDatas in _pool.Values)
foreach(var typeData in typeDatas)
#region Help Funcs
// loaded call
public static void OnLoaded(AssetList assetList)
if(assetList != null)
ResourcePool.OnLoaded(assetList.loadPath, assetList.systemTypeInstance, assetList.Assets, assetList.loadAll, assetList.unloadable);
// loaded call
public static void OnLoaded(string loadPath, System.Type systemTypeInstance, UnityEngine.Object[] objs, bool allAssets, bool unloadable)
var typeDatas = _pool.GetValue(loadPath, () => { return TypeDataListPool.Allocate(); });
var typeData = GetTargetTypeData(typeDatas, systemTypeInstance);
if(typeData == null)
typeData = TypeDataPool.Allocate().Set(systemTypeInstance, objs, allAssets);
typeData.Set(systemTypeInstance, objs, allAssets);
typeData.unloadable &= unloadable;
if(objs != null && objs.Length > 0)
var list = _resInv.GetValue(systemTypeInstance, ()=> { return new Dictionary<int, TypeData>(); });
foreach(var obj in objs)
list[obj.GetHashCode()] = typeData;
// get loaded assets
public static UnityEngine.Object GetAssetFromCache(string loadPath, System.Type systemTypeInstance, bool unloadable)
var typeDatas = _pool.TryGetValue(loadPath);
if(typeDatas != null)
var typeData = GetTargetTypeData(typeDatas, systemTypeInstance);
if(typeData != null)
typeData.unloadable &= unloadable;
return typeData.GetObject();
return null;
// check is load all logic is already loaded
public static UnityEngine.Object[] GetAllAssetsFromCache(string loadPath, System.Type systemTypeInstance, bool unloadable)
var typeDatas = _pool.TryGetValue(loadPath);
if(typeDatas != null)
var typeData = GetTargetTypeData(typeDatas, systemTypeInstance);
if(typeData != null && typeData.allAssetsLoaded && typeData.CheckAssetNotLost(true))
typeData.unloadable &= unloadable;
return typeData.GetAllObjects();
return null;
// get type data from list
public static TypeData GetTargetTypeData(List<TypeData> typeDatas, System.Type type)
if(typeDatas != null && typeDatas.Count > 0)
for(int i = 0; i < typeDatas.Count; i++)
var tempTypeData = typeDatas[i];
if(tempTypeData.type == type)
return tempTypeData;
return null;
// check unloaded caches
private static void CheckUnloadedAssets(HashSet<string> unloadedAssets)
if(unloadedAssets.Count > 0)
foreach(var assetFile in unloadedAssets)
var list = _pool.TryGetValue(assetFile);
if(list != null && list.Count > 0)
list.RemoveAll((_typeData) =>
return true;
return false;
if(list.Count == 0)
// remove unloaded inverse reference
private static void OnSingleAssetUnload(System.Type type, int hash)
var list = _resInv.TryGetValue(type);
if(list != null)
/// <summary>
/// A CustomYieldInstruction that implement for usage of Resources.LoadAsync(...)
/// </summary>
public class ResourceRequest : CustomYieldInstruction
public AssetLoaderBase loader { get; set; }
public WeakReference assetObj;
public UnityEngine.Object asset
if(assetObj != null)
return assetObj.Target as UnityEngine.Object;
if(loader == null || loader.Assets == null)
return null;
if(loader.Assets.Length > 0)
return loader.Assets[0];
return null;
public bool isDone
return assetObj != null || (loader != null && loader.isDone);
public override bool keepWaiting
return isDone == false;
public ResourceRequest Set(AssetLoaderBase loader)
this.loader = loader;
return this;
public ResourceRequest Set(UnityEngine.Object obj)
assetObj = new WeakReference(obj);
return this;