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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace AssetBundleMaster.Example
using AssetBundleMaster.ResourceLoad;
public class Example_UnloadAsset : MonoBehaviour
public Button LoadButton;
public Button UnloadButton;
public Image Image1;
public Image Image1_2;
public Image Image2;
public RawImage RawImage;
public Text Text;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
LoadButton.onClick.AddListener(() =>
Debug.Log("Start Load at frame : " + Time.frameCount);
ResourceLoadManager.Instance.LoadAllAsync<Sprite>("Sprites/Pic1", (_sprites) =>
Image1.overrideSprite = _sprites[0];
Debug.Log(Image1.overrideSprite + " Loaded at frame : " + Time.frameCount);
Image1_2.overrideSprite = _sprites[1];
Debug.Log(Image1_2.overrideSprite + " Loaded at frame : " + Time.frameCount);
ResourceLoadManager.Instance.LoadAsync<TextAsset>("Sprites/Pic1", (_text) =>
Text.text = _text.text;
Debug.Log(Text.text + " Loaded at frame : " + Time.frameCount);
ResourceLoadManager.Instance.LoadAsync<Sprite>("Sprites/Pic2.png", (_sprite) =>
Image2.overrideSprite = _sprite;
Debug.Log(Image2.overrideSprite + " Loaded at frame : " + Time.frameCount);
// load like Resources.LoadAsync
StartCoroutine(LoadAsset<Texture2D>("Textures/Pic3", (_tex2D) =>
RawImage.texture = _tex2D;
Debug.Log(RawImage.texture + " Loaded at frame : " + Time.frameCount);
UnloadButton.onClick.AddListener(() =>
// Pic1 loaded Sprite and Text, unload type <Object> means all these types
/* Notice : Here the TextAsset is also unloaded */
ResourceLoadManager.Instance.UnloadAsset<Object>("Sprites/Pic1", true); // ture means <T> is base type
// Pic2 is loaded as Sprite only
ResourceLoadManager.Instance.UnloadAsset<Sprite>("Sprites/Pic2.png", false); // false means unload only type == <T>
// Pic3 is loaded as Texture only, we can call unload like Resources.UnloadAsset
// unload request is tick later, so you can clear reference after call UnloadAsset
// Notick : unload request is not a force unload you should set reference to null
Image1.overrideSprite = null;
Image1_2.overrideSprite = null;
Image2.overrideSprite = null;
RawImage.texture = null;
IEnumerator LoadAsset<T>(string loadPath, System.Action<T> loaded) where T : UnityEngine.Object
var loading = ResourceLoadManager.Instance.LoadAsync<T>(loadPath);
yield return loading;
loaded.Invoke(loading.asset as T);