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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace AssetBundleMaster.Example
using AssetBundleMaster.ResourceLoad;
using AssetBundleMaster.Common;
public class Example_LoadPrefab : MonoBehaviour
public const string LoadPath = "Prefabs/go0001";
public Button LoadButton;
public Button LoadAsyncButton1;
public Button LoadAsyncButton2;
public int spawnCount = 15;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
LoadButton.onClick.AddListener(() =>
for(int i = 0; i < spawnCount; i++)
var cube = PrefabLoadManager.Instance.Spawn(LoadPath, "SyncPool"); // spawn Sync
* These are two kinds of Async spawn way, The first (LoadAsyncButton1) is take a little overhead GC,
* ortherwise 2nd (LoadAsyncButton2) is less GC, see what is diferent
LoadAsyncButton1.onClick.AddListener(() =>
//Debug.Log("Start Load at frame : " + Time.frameCount);
//for(int i = 0; i < spawnCount; i++)
// // if Asset not yet loaded, this will call multi times the asset load Low-Level API
// PrefabLoadManager.Instance.SpawnAsync(LoadPath, (_cube) =>
// {
// RandomCubePos(_cube);
// Debug.Log("Loaded at frame : " + Time.frameCount);
// }, "AsyncPool");
LoadAsyncButton2.onClick.AddListener(() =>
//Debug.Log("Start Load at frame : " + Time.frameCount);
//// only call Low-Level API Once, wait until asset loaded
//PrefabLoadManager.Instance.LoadAssetToPoolAsync(LoadPath, (_prefab, _pool) =>
// for(int i = 0; i < spawnCount; i++)
// {
// var cube = _pool.Spawn(LoadPath, _prefab); // you got the pool holds the Prefab
// RandomCubePos(cube);
// Debug.Log("Loaded at frame : " + Time.frameCount);
// }
//}, "AsyncPool");
private void RandomCubePos(GameObject cube)
cube.transform.position = new Vector3(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-3f, 3f),
UnityEngine.Random.Range(-2f, 4f),
UnityEngine.Random.Range(-5f, 5f));
cube.transform.rotation = UnityEngine.Random.rotation;
UnityEditor.Selection.activeGameObject = cube;