임준일 임준일 2024-05-20
Add MetaUtil
--- VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Scenes/00.InitScene.unity
+++ VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Scenes/00.InitScene.unity
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--- VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Scenes/00.ModelIkTest.unity
+++ VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Scenes/00.ModelIkTest.unity
This diff is too big to display.
--- VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Scenes/04.TK_Scene.unity
+++ VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Scenes/04.TK_Scene.unity
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---- !u!21 &72587258
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+        m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0}
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+    m_Floats:
+    - _ColorMask: 15
+    - _Stencil: 0
+    - _StencilComp: 8
+    - _StencilOp: 0
+    - _StencilReadMask: 255
+    - _StencilWriteMask: 255
+    - _UseUIAlphaClip: 0
+    m_Colors:
+    - _WidthHeightRadius: {r: 40, g: 20, b: 8, a: 0}
+  m_BuildTextureStacks: []
+--- !u!21 &2058290193
+  serializedVersion: 8
+  m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
+  m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0}
+  m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0}
+  m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
+  m_Name: UI/RoundedCorners/RoundedCorners
+  m_Shader: {fileID: 4800000, guid: 0bd2ec5d73751e34a814274a454bec41, type: 3}
+  m_Parent: {fileID: 0}
+  m_ModifiedSerializedProperties: 0
+  m_ValidKeywords: []
+  m_InvalidKeywords: []
+  m_LightmapFlags: 4
+  m_EnableInstancingVariants: 0
+  m_DoubleSidedGI: 0
+  m_CustomRenderQueue: -1
+  stringTagMap: {}
+  disabledShaderPasses: []
+  m_LockedProperties: 
+  m_SavedProperties:
+    serializedVersion: 3
+    m_TexEnvs:
+    - _MainTex:
+        m_Texture: {fileID: 0}
+        m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1}
+        m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0}
+    m_Ints: []
+    m_Floats:
+    - _ColorMask: 15
+    - _Stencil: 0
+    - _StencilComp: 8
+    - _StencilOp: 0
+    - _StencilReadMask: 255
+    - _StencilWriteMask: 255
+    - _UseUIAlphaClip: 0
+    m_Colors:
+    - _WidthHeightRadius: {r: 24, g: 10, b: 4, a: 0}
+  m_BuildTextureStacks: []
+--- !u!21 &2090217541
+  serializedVersion: 8
+  m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
+  m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0}
+  m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0}
+  m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
+  m_Name: UI/RoundedCorners/RoundedCorners
+  m_Shader: {fileID: 4800000, guid: 0bd2ec5d73751e34a814274a454bec41, type: 3}
+  m_Parent: {fileID: 0}
+  m_ModifiedSerializedProperties: 0
+  m_ValidKeywords: []
+  m_InvalidKeywords: []
+  m_LightmapFlags: 4
+  m_EnableInstancingVariants: 0
+  m_DoubleSidedGI: 0
+  m_CustomRenderQueue: -1
+  stringTagMap: {}
+  disabledShaderPasses: []
+  m_LockedProperties: 
+  m_SavedProperties:
+    serializedVersion: 3
+    m_TexEnvs:
+    - _MainTex:
+        m_Texture: {fileID: 0}
+        m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1}
+        m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0}
+    m_Ints: []
+    m_Floats:
+    - _ColorMask: 15
+    - _Stencil: 0
+    - _StencilComp: 8
+    - _StencilOp: 0
+    - _StencilReadMask: 255
+    - _StencilWriteMask: 255
+    - _UseUIAlphaClip: 0
+    m_Colors:
+    - _WidthHeightRadius: {r: 55, g: 20, b: 8, a: 0}
+  m_BuildTextureStacks: []
 --- !u!1 &2102875659
   m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/ControllerExplan.cs (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/ControllerExplan.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TMPro;
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
+public class ControllerExplan : MonoBehaviour
+    public enum ControllerEnum
+    {
+        Left,
+        Right
+    }
+    public ControllerEnum controller;
+    public InputActionProperty explanBtn;
+    [SerializeField]
+    GameObject explanUIObj;
+    [SerializeField]
+    TMP_Text explanTxt;
+    // Start is called before the first frame update
+    void Start()
+    {
+        if (explanUIObj == null)
+            explanUIObj = gameObject.transform.Find("ExplanUI").gameObject;
+        if (controller == ControllerEnum.Left)
+        {
+            Transform tempIndex_ = gameObject.transform.Find("ExplanUI_Index");
+            Transform tempExplan_ = tempIndex_.Find("ExplanUI_Explan");
+            Transform tempTmp_ = tempExplan_.Find("UITxt");
+            explanTxt = tempTmp_.GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
+        }
+        if (explanUIObj.activeSelf)
+        {
+            OnOffExplan();
+        }
+    }
+    // Update is called once per frame
+    void Update()
+    {
+        if (explanBtn.action.WasPressedThisFrame())
+        {
+            OnOffExplan();
+        }
+    }
+    private void OnOffExplan()
+    {
+        explanUIObj.SetActive(!explanUIObj.activeSelf);
+        if(controller == ControllerEnum.Left)
+        {
+            if (explanUIObj.activeSelf)
+            {
+                explanTxt.text = "설명 OFF";
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                explanTxt.text = "설명 ON";
+            }
+        }
+    }
VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/ControllerExplan.cs.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/ControllerExplan.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 935fd06a3b1dd0a4ea5b3e605fce4657
+  externalObjects: {}
+  serializedVersion: 2
+  defaultReferences: []
+  executionOrder: 0
+  icon: {instanceID: 0}
+  userData: 
+  assetBundleName: 
+  assetBundleVariant: 
--- VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/Lobby/AssetBundleDownManager.cs
+++ VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/Lobby/AssetBundleDownManager.cs
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
     private void Start()
+        // Api 호출
 #if UNITY_EDITOR // 에디터에서는 한국어를 기본으로 설정해준다.  
         I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.CurrentLanguage = "Korean";
--- VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/Manager/LoadManager.cs
+++ VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/Manager/LoadManager.cs
@@ -1,31 +1,57 @@
 using System.Collections;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using TMPro;
 using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
+ *  Class Name: LoadManager
+ *  Description: 앱, 로고화면 display, 로딩 처리 (AseetBundle 정보 
+ *  Variables
+ *      
+ *
+ */
 public class LoadManager : MonoBehaviour
+    public GameObject metamotionUI;
+    public GameObject appLoginUI;
-    // 체크할 파일을 넣는 큐
-    public static Queue<string> checkQueue = new Queue<string>();
+    public GameObject pressTxtObj;
-    // 패치할 파일 넣는 큐
-    public static Queue<string> patchQueue = new Queue<string>();
+    public bool isNoUpdate = false;
+    public bool isOnClick = false;
-    // 로드할 파일을 넣는 큐
-    public static Queue<string> loadAssetQueue = new Queue<string>();
+    public TMP_Text testTxt;
-    // 다음 씬을 넣는 큐
-    public static Queue<string> loadingQueue = new Queue<string>();
+    public InputActionProperty anyKeyInput = new();
+    public LoadingManager loadingManager;
+    public string obbFilePath = "/sdcard/Android/obb/com.MetaMotion.VRTk/mqdhtest";
     // Start is called before the first frame update
     void Start()
+        obbFilePath = "/sdcard/Android/obb/com.MetaMotion.VRTk/mqdhtest";
+        //DebugTxtCall.Instance.CallDebug($"{File.Exists(obbFilePath)}");
+        testTxt.text += $"{File.Exists(obbFilePath)}\n";
+        AssetBundle req_ = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(obbFilePath);
+        testTxt.text += $"{req_} \n";
+        Object tempObj_ = req_.LoadAsset("MetaTestAsset");
+        testTxt.text += $"{tempObj_} \n";
+        GameObject tempTest_ = (GameObject)Instantiate(tempObj_);
+        tempTest_.transform.position = new Vector3(0f, 1f, 2f);
+        //AssetBundle.LoadAsset(req_);
-    // Update is called once per frame
-    void Update()
-    {
-    }
VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/StoreSellObj.cs (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/StoreSellObj.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TMPro;
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.UI;
+ * 상점에서 파는 물품의 정보 및 관리하는 스크립트
+ */
+public class StoreSellObj : MonoBehaviour
+    // 현재 필요한거? 상품 이미지와 글씨 넣는 곳 + 버튼
+    // 이 오브젝트의 판매 상품
+    public enum StoreSell
+    {
+        Instructor,     // 강사
+        Style,          // 스타일
+        Map,            // 맵
+        Gold            // 골드 / 패키지
+    }
+    public StoreSell sellType;
+    public Button sellBtn;      // 판매 버튼
+    public Image sellImage;     // 판매 이미지
+    public TMP_Text sellTxt;       // 판매 텍스트
+    // Start is called before the first frame update
+    void Start()
+    {
+        SetUpStoreSell();
+    }
+    private void SetUpStoreSell()
+    {
+        if (sellBtn == null)
+            sellBtn = transform.GetComponentInChildren<Button>();
+        if (sellImage == null)
+        {
+            Transform tempImgTrans_ = sellBtn.transform.GetChild(0);
+            sellImage = tempImgTrans_.GetComponent<Image>();
+        }
+        if (sellTxt == null)
+        {
+            Transform tempLineTrans_ = transform.Find("LineImage");
+            sellTxt = tempLineTrans_.GetComponentInChildren<TMP_Text>();
+        }
+    }
VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/StoreSellObj.cs.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/StoreSellObj.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: a77f56b1a963a45469cb670fd1679c24
+  externalObjects: {}
+  serializedVersion: 2
+  defaultReferences: []
+  executionOrder: 0
+  icon: {instanceID: 0}
+  userData: 
+  assetBundleName: 
+  assetBundleVariant: 
VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/StoreUIManager.cs (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/StoreUIManager.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.UI;
+public class StoreUIManager : MonoBehaviour
+    public GameObject storeUIObj;
+    private GameObject tabMenuObj;              // 상단 버튼들 오브젝트
+    private GameObject instructorListObj;       // 강사 리스트 오브젝트
+    private GameObject instructorDetailObj;     // 강사 디테일 오브젝트
+    private GameObject styleListObj;            // 스타일 리스트 오브젝트
+    private GameObject styleDetailObj;          // 스타일 디테일 오브젝트
+    private GameObject mapListObj;              // 맵 리스트 오브젝트
+    private GameObject mapDetailObj;            // 맵 디테일 오브젝트
+    private GameObject goldListObj;             // 골드 디테일 오브젝트
+    public Button[] tabMenuBtns;                // 강사, 스타일, 맵, 골드 순
+    #region Instructor
+    private StoreSellObj instructorSell;        // instructor의 판매 스크립트
+    private Transform instructorContentObj;    // instructor의 콘텐츠 오브젝트
+    public List<StoreSellObj> instructorList = new List<StoreSellObj>();
+    #endregion
+    public enum StoreMenu
+    {
+        Instructor,     // 강사
+        Style,          // 스타일
+        Map,            // 맵
+        Gold            // 골드 / 패키지
+    }
+    public StoreMenu storeMenu;     // 현재 상점 상태 표시
+    // Start is called before the first frame update
+    void Start()
+    {
+        SetUpStoreUI();
+    }
+    // Update is called once per frame
+    void Update()
+    {
+    }
+    // 강사 메뉴 클릭시 호출
+    public void ClickInstructorMenu()
+    {
+        storeMenu = StoreMenu.Instructor;
+        ViewStoreMenuUI();
+        instructorSell.gameObject.SetActive(true);
+        // 판매 강사 리스트 같은 걸 받고 표시
+        // 임시로 8 지정
+        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+        {
+            if(instructorList.Count < i)
+            {
+                instructorList.Add(Instantiate(instructorSell, instructorContentObj));
+            }
+            //instructorList[i].
+        }
+        instructorSell.gameObject.SetActive(false);
+    }
+    // 각 메뉴에 맞는 UI를 표시한다
+    private void ViewStoreMenuUI()
+    {
+        OffAllUI();
+        tabMenuObj.SetActive(true);
+        switch (storeMenu)
+        {
+            case StoreMenu.Instructor:
+                instructorListObj.SetActive(true);
+                break;
+            case StoreMenu.Style:
+                styleListObj.SetActive(false);
+                break;
+            case StoreMenu.Map:
+                mapListObj.SetActive(false);
+                break;
+            case StoreMenu.Gold:
+                goldListObj.SetActive(false);
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    private void OffAllUI()
+    {
+        tabMenuObj.SetActive(false);
+        instructorListObj.SetActive(false);
+        instructorDetailObj.SetActive(false);
+        styleListObj.SetActive(false);
+        styleDetailObj.SetActive(false);
+        mapListObj.SetActive(false);
+        mapDetailObj.SetActive(false);
+        goldListObj.SetActive(false);
+    }
+    private void SetUpStoreUI()
+    {
+        if (storeUIObj == null)
+            storeUIObj = transform.Find("StoreObj").gameObject;
+        if (tabMenuObj == null)
+            tabMenuObj = storeUIObj.transform.Find("TabMenu").gameObject;
+        if (instructorListObj == null)
+            instructorListObj = storeUIObj.transform.Find("InstructorList").gameObject;
+        if (instructorDetailObj == null)
+            instructorDetailObj = storeUIObj.transform.Find("InstructorDetail").gameObject;
+        if (styleListObj == null)
+            styleListObj = storeUIObj.transform.Find("StyleList").gameObject;
+        if (styleDetailObj == null)
+            styleDetailObj = storeUIObj.transform.Find("StyleDetail").gameObject;
+        if (mapListObj == null)
+            mapListObj = storeUIObj.transform.Find("MapList").gameObject;
+        if (mapDetailObj == null)
+            mapDetailObj = storeUIObj.transform.Find("MapDetail").gameObject;
+        if (goldListObj == null)
+            goldListObj = storeUIObj.transform.Find("GoldList").gameObject;
+        // 상단 탭의 버튼 개수 배열 지정
+        tabMenuBtns = new Button[tabMenuObj.transform.childCount];
+        for (int i = 0; i < tabMenuBtns.Length; i++)
+        {
+            Transform temp_ = tabMenuObj.transform.GetChild(i);
+            tabMenuBtns[i] = temp_.GetComponentInChildren<Button>();
+        }
+        instructorSell = instructorListObj.transform.GetComponentInChildren<StoreSellObj>();
+        instructorContentObj = instructorSell.transform.parent;
+        instructorSell.gameObject.SetActive(false);
+    }
VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/StoreUIManager.cs.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/StoreUIManager.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 6ee7f28776d7854438d509570e80e775
+  externalObjects: {}
+  serializedVersion: 2
+  defaultReferences: []
+  executionOrder: 0
+  icon: {instanceID: 0}
+  userData: 
+  assetBundleName: 
+  assetBundleVariant: 
--- VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/Test/TestVRIKRig.cs
+++ VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/Test/TestVRIKRig.cs
@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@
     public InputActionProperty rePlay;
     public InputActionProperty reset;
+    public InputActionProperty rtesteset;
     private bool isPlay = false;
     // Start is called before the first frame update
@@ -60,6 +63,12 @@
                 isPlay = true;
+        if (rtesteset.action.WasPressedThisFrame())
+        {
+            Debug.Log("클릭맞아유");
+        }
     // 선택된 애니메이션 클립 시c간의 현재 시간을 표기한다
--- VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/UI/MirrorMenuManager.cs
+++ VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/UI/MirrorMenuManager.cs
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@
     public void OpenGuide()
-        OnOffMenuBtn();
-        nowVRUI.vrInforPopup.SetActive(true);
+        //OnOffMenuBtn();
+        //nowVRUI.vrInforPopup.SetActive(true);
     //public void OpenMenu()
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
         // 메뉴 버튼 연결
         menuBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => OnOffMenuBtn());
-        guideBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => OpenGuide());
+        //guideBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => OpenGuide());
         replayBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => OnOffRePlayBtn());
         nickNameTxt.text = AssetBundleDataManager.Instance.udUserList.list.Find(x => x.sNo == searchSno).nickname;
--- VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/UI/MovementManager.cs
+++ VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/UI/MovementManager.cs
@@ -13,7 +13,10 @@
     public PoseManager poseManager;
     public Slider sliderPlay;
-    public TMP_Text userPoseTxt;
+    public TMP_Text nowProgramInfoTxt;
+    public TMP_Text nowAnimInfoTxt;
     public TMP_Text animTimeTxt;
     public Image sliderFill;
@@ -55,10 +58,15 @@
         //    uiManager = tempUIManager_.GetComponent<UIManager>();
         UIManager.Instance.movementManager = this;
         //uiManager.movementManager = this;
         anyKetStartButton = UIManager.Instance.animKeySetting.Find(x => x.action.name == "Start");
+        SetUpMovementUI();
     // Start is called before the first frame update
@@ -66,7 +74,7 @@
         //UIManager.Instance.movementManager = this;
-        SetUpMovementUI();        
+        //SetUpMovementUI();        
     private void Update()
@@ -152,7 +160,7 @@
-    public void StartMoveMentCheck()
+    public void StartMoveMentCheck(string nowProgramName, string nowAnimName)
         if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name != Define.VR_SCENE_FOUR)
@@ -220,6 +228,12 @@
         tempDummy_.poseManager = poseManager;
         tempDummy_.isMatchCharacter = true;
+        SetNowInfoTxt(nowProgramName, nowAnimName);
+        if (UIManager.Instance.createUI.activeSelf == true)
+            UIManager.Instance.OnOffMainUI();
     public void StartPlayMode()
@@ -283,6 +297,39 @@
         //poseManager.enabled = false;
+    public void SetNowInfoTxt(string nowProgram, string nowAnim)
+    {
+        //I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation($"coach(gdStage)/{name}");
+        // 추후 동작평가를 위처럼 현지화 해서 사용해야?
+        string tempStr_ = string.Empty;
+        switch (nowProgram)
+        {
+            case "Basic":
+                tempStr_ = "기본 동작 중";
+                break;
+            case "Poomsae":
+                tempStr_ = "동작 평가 중";
+                break;
+            case "Olympic":
+                tempStr_ = "동작 평가 중";
+                break;
+        }
+        string nowAnimTxt_ = I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation($"animationClip(gdQuest)/{nowAnim}");
+        nowProgramInfoTxt.text = tempStr_;
+        nowAnimInfoTxt.text = nowAnimTxt_;
+    }
     public void SetUpMovementUI()
         if(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name != Define.VR_SCENE_FOUR)
@@ -322,6 +369,25 @@
             GameObject tempAnimTxt_ = tempSilder_.transform.Find("AnimTimeTxt").gameObject;
             animTimeTxt = tempAnimTxt_.GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
+        Transform tempNowInfo_ = movementInfo_.transform.Find("NowInfoObj");
+        if (nowProgramInfoTxt == null)
+        {
+            Transform tempProgramInfo_ = tempNowInfo_.transform.Find("NowProgramInfoTxt");
+            nowProgramInfoTxt = tempProgramInfo_.GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
+        }
+        if (nowAnimInfoTxt == null)
+        {
+            Transform tempAnimInfo_ = tempNowInfo_.transform.Find("NowAnimInfoTxt");
+            nowAnimInfoTxt = tempAnimInfo_.GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
+        }
+        nowProgramInfoTxt.text = "";
+        nowAnimInfoTxt.text = "";
         //poseManager.sliderPlay = sliderPlay;
         //poseManager.sliderBG = sliderFill;
--- VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/UI/ResultUIManager.cs
+++ VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/UI/ResultUIManager.cs
@@ -3,27 +3,33 @@
 using UnityEngine;
 using TMPro;
 using UnityEngine.UI;
+using I2.Loc;
 public class ResultUIManager : MonoBehaviour
     public GameObject resultUI;
-    public TMP_Text scoreVal;
-    public TMP_Text evaluationTxt;
+    public TMP_Text currentScoreVal;    // 현재 점수
+    public TMP_Text bestScoreVal;       // 최고 점수
+    public TMP_Text evaluationTxt;      // 평가
-    public TMP_Text moveCount;
-    public TMP_Text greatCount;
-    public TMP_Text goodCount;
-    public TMP_Text missCount;
-    public TMP_Text accuracyCount;
+    public TMP_Text moveCount;          // 총 행동 값
+    public TMP_Text greatCount;         // great 값
+    public TMP_Text goodCount;          // good 값
+    public TMP_Text missCount;          // miss 값
+    public TMP_Text accuracyCount;      // 정확도 값
+    public TMP_Text instructorNameTxt;
+    //public Localize tkCoachkLocalize;
-    public TMP_Text heartCount;
-    public TMP_Text BestCount;
+    public TMP_Text goldCount;          // 골드 값
-    public Button homeBtn;
-    public Button closeBtn;
-    public Button continueBtn;
+    public Button rankingBtn;           // 랭킹 버튼
+    public Button lobbyBtn;             // 로비 버튼
+    public Button continueBtn;          // 게속 버튼
@@ -74,12 +80,26 @@
             tempAccuracy_ = 0;
         evaluationTxt.text = SwitchResultStr(tempAccuracy_);
-        scoreVal.text = tempScore_.ToString();
+        currentScoreVal.text = tempScore_.ToString();
+        bestScoreVal.text = "";
         moveCount.text = total_.ToString();
         greatCount.text = great.ToString();
         goodCount.text = good.ToString();
         missCount.text = miss.ToString();
         accuracyCount.text = $"{tempAccuracy_} %";
+        //UIManager.Instance.vrTkUIManager.nowSelectCoachName;
+        string tempStr_ = I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation(
+            $"coach(gdStage)/{UIManager.Instance.vrTkUIManager.nowSelectCoachName}");
+        // 강사 이름 어떻게 가져오지?
+        instructorNameTxt.text = $"{tempStr_} 강사";
     // 정확도 점수에 따라 판정 표시
@@ -131,65 +151,83 @@
         GameObject tempInfo_ = resultUI.transform.GetChild(1).gameObject;
         GameObject tempBtns_ = resultUI.transform.GetChild(2).gameObject;
+        GameObject tempScoreInfo_ = tempInfo_.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
         GameObject tempTotalInfo_ = tempInfo_.transform.GetChild(1).gameObject;
-        if (scoreVal == null)
+        //Transform tempTrans_ = null;
+        if (currentScoreVal == null)
-            GameObject tempScoreInfo_ = tempInfo_.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
-            scoreVal = tempScoreInfo_.transform.Find("ScoreNum").GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
+            Transform tempCurrentScore_ = tempScoreInfo_.transform.Find("CurrnetScoreObj");
+            currentScoreVal = tempCurrentScore_.Find("CurrentScoreVal").GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
-        if(evaluationTxt == null)
+        if (bestScoreVal == null)
+        {
+            Transform tempBestScore_ = tempScoreInfo_.transform.Find("BestScoreObj");
+            bestScoreVal = tempBestScore_.Find("BestScoreVal").GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
+        }
+        if (evaluationTxt == null)
             evaluationTxt = tempTotalInfo_.transform.Find("Evaluation").GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
         if (moveCount == null)
-            moveCount = tempTotalInfo_.transform.Find("MoveCount").GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
+            Transform tempMoveCount_ = tempTotalInfo_.transform.Find("TotalMove");
+            moveCount = tempMoveCount_.Find("MoveCount").GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
         if (greatCount == null)
-            greatCount = tempTotalInfo_.transform.Find("GreatCount").GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
+            Transform tempGreatCount_ = tempTotalInfo_.transform.Find("GreatVal");
+            greatCount = tempGreatCount_.Find("GreatCount").GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
         if (goodCount == null)
-            goodCount = tempTotalInfo_.transform.Find("GoodCount").GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
+            Transform tempGood_ = tempTotalInfo_.transform.Find("GoodVal");
+            goodCount = tempGood_.Find("GoodCount").GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
         if (missCount == null)
-            missCount = tempTotalInfo_.transform.Find("MissCount").GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
+            Transform tempMiss_ = tempTotalInfo_.transform.Find("MissVal");
+            missCount = tempMiss_.Find("MissCount").GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
-        if (accuracyCount == null)
+        if (accuracyCount == null || instructorNameTxt == null)
-            accuracyCount = tempTotalInfo_.transform.Find("AccuracyCount").GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
+            Transform tempAccuracy_ = tempTotalInfo_.transform.Find("AccuracyVal");
+            accuracyCount = tempAccuracy_.Find("AccuracyCount").GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
+            Transform tempInstructo_ = tempAccuracy_.Find("InstructorObj");
+            instructorNameTxt = tempInstructo_.Find("InstructorNameTxt").GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
-        if (heartCount == null)
+        if (goldCount == null)
-            heartCount = tempTotalInfo_.transform.Find("HeartCount").GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
+            Transform tempGold_ = tempTotalInfo_.transform.Find("Gold_Count");
+            goldCount = tempGold_.Find("GoldCount").GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
-        if (BestCount == null)
+        if(rankingBtn == null)
-            BestCount = tempTotalInfo_.transform.Find("BestCount").GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
+            rankingBtn = tempBtns_.transform.Find("RankingBtn").GetComponent<Button>();
-        if(homeBtn == null)
+        if (lobbyBtn == null)
-            homeBtn = tempBtns_.transform.Find("HomeBtn").GetComponent<Button>();
-        }
-        if (closeBtn == null)
-        {
-            closeBtn = tempBtns_.transform.Find("CloseBtn").GetComponent<Button>();
+            lobbyBtn = tempBtns_.transform.Find("LobbyBtn").GetComponent<Button>();
         if (continueBtn == null)
@@ -203,9 +241,9 @@
         //    uiManager = tempObj_.GetComponent<UIManager>();
-        homeBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => CloseResultUI());
-        closeBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => CloseResultUI());
+        // 랭킹은 잠시 끄기
+        //rankingBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => CloseResultUI());
+        lobbyBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => CloseResultUI());
         continueBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => UIManager.Instance.movementManager.StartPlayMode());
         if (resultUI.activeSelf == true)
VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/UI/SwitchToggle.cs (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/UI/SwitchToggle.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.UI;
+public class SwitchToggle : MonoBehaviour
+    [SerializeField]
+    RectTransform uiHandleRectTransform;
+    [SerializeField]
+    Color bgActiveColor;
+    [SerializeField]
+    Color handleActiveColor;
+    [SerializeField]
+    Color bgDefaultColor;
+    [SerializeField]
+    Color handleDefaultColor;
+    public Image bgImg;
+    public Image handleImg;
+    Toggle toggle;
+    Vector2 handlePosition;
+    private void Awake()
+    {
+        toggle = GetComponent<Toggle>();
+        handlePosition = uiHandleRectTransform.anchoredPosition;
+        bgImg = uiHandleRectTransform.parent.GetComponent<Image>();
+        handleImg = uiHandleRectTransform.GetComponent<Image>();
+        bgDefaultColor = bgImg.color;
+        handleDefaultColor = handleImg.color;
+        toggle.onValueChanged.AddListener(OnSwitch);
+        if (toggle.isOn)
+            OnSwitch(true);
+    }
+    private void OnSwitch(bool isOn)
+    {
+        Debug.LogError(isOn);
+        uiHandleRectTransform.anchoredPosition = isOn ? handlePosition * -1 : handlePosition;
+        bgImg.color = isOn ? bgActiveColor : bgDefaultColor;
+        //handleImg.color = isOn ? handleActiveColor : handleDefaultColor;
+    }
+    private void OnDestroy()
+    {
+        toggle.onValueChanged.AddListener(OnSwitch);
+    }
VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/UI/SwitchToggle.cs.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/UI/SwitchToggle.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 35363e11b7f24264f877f3a11215e1c7
+  externalObjects: {}
+  serializedVersion: 2
+  defaultReferences: []
+  executionOrder: 0
+  icon: {instanceID: 0}
+  userData: 
+  assetBundleName: 
+  assetBundleVariant: 
--- VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/UI/TK/TkCoachInfo.cs
+++ VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/UI/TK/TkCoachInfo.cs
@@ -82,7 +82,9 @@
             vrTkUIManager.nowSelectCoachId = tkCoachId;
-            vrTkUIManager.nowSelectCoachName = tkCoachName;
+            vrTkUIManager.nowSelectCoachFileName = tkCoachName;
+            vrTkUIManager.nowSelectCoachName = tkStageName;
--- VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/UI/TK/VRTkUIManager.cs
+++ VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/UI/TK/VRTkUIManager.cs
@@ -83,12 +83,18 @@
     public PopupDetailManager popupDetailManager;
     public PopupBuyManager popupBuyManager;
+    // 현재 선택된 프로그램
+    public string nowProgram;
     // 현재 선택된 태권도 애니메이션
     public string nowSelectAnim;
     // 현재 선택된 코치 id
     public int nowSelectCoachId;
+    // 현재 선택된 코치 파일 이름
+    public string nowSelectCoachFileName;
     // 현재 선택된 코치 이름
     public string nowSelectCoachName;
     // 품새 관련 리스트
@@ -165,8 +171,8 @@
         if (grandSelectBg.activeSelf)
-        poomsaeBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => ViewNextSelect("TkCoachSelect"));
-        homeBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => UIManager.Instance.OnOffMainUI());
+        poomsaeBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => SelectPoomsae());
+        //homeBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => UIManager.Instance.OnOffMainUI());
         exitBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => UIManager.Instance.ExitApp());
@@ -322,6 +328,31 @@
     // }
+    // 기본 동작 선택
+    public void SelectBasic()
+    {
+        nowProgram = "Basic";
+        ViewNextSelect("TkCoachSelect");
+    }
+    // 품새 선택
+    public void SelectPoomsae()
+    {
+        nowProgram = "Poomsae";
+        ViewNextSelect("TkCoachSelect");
+    }
+    // 올림픽 강화 훈련 선택
+    public void SelectOlympic()
+    {
+        nowProgram = "Olympic";
+        ViewNextSelect("TkCoachSelect");
+    }
     public void OnClickScrollBtn(string scrollName)
@@ -582,7 +613,7 @@
             animController.isFirstEffect = false;
-            StartCoroutine(GetVRTkAsset(nowSelectCoachName, nowSelectAnim));
+            StartCoroutine(GetVRTkAsset(nowSelectCoachFileName, nowSelectAnim));
@@ -782,11 +813,11 @@
-        vrInforPopup.SetActive(true);
+        //vrInforPopup.SetActive(true);
-        uiManager.movementManager.StartMoveMentCheck();
+        uiManager.movementManager.StartMoveMentCheck(nowProgram, nowSelectAnim);
     }   // ShowTkModel
--- VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/UI/VRUIBasic.cs
+++ VRTK/Assets/01.Junil/Script/UI/VRUIBasic.cs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
     // 팝업창
     public GameObject popUp;
-    public GameObject vrInforPopup;
+    //public GameObject vrInforPopup;
     public ResultUIManager resultUIManager;
     public virtual void SetUIInfo()
@@ -27,25 +27,25 @@
         //animController.closeBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => CloseAnim());
-        if(vrInforPopup == null)
-        {
-            vrInforPopup = transform.Find("VR_InforPopup").gameObject;
-        }
+        //if(vrInforPopup == null)
+        //{
+        //    //vrInforPopup = transform.Find("VR_InforPopup").gameObject;
+        //}
-        vrInforPopup.SetActive(false);
+        //vrInforPopup.SetActive(false);
     private void OnDisable()
-        if(vrInforPopup.activeSelf)
-            vrInforPopup.SetActive(false);
+        //if(vrInforPopup.activeSelf)
+            //vrInforPopup.SetActive(false);
     public void OnOffVRInforPopup()
-        vrInforPopup.SetActive(!vrInforPopup.activeSelf);
+        //vrInforPopup.SetActive(!vrInforPopup.activeSelf);
--- VRTK/Assets/@LobbyRes/Prefab/MirrorCustom.prefab
+++ VRTK/Assets/@LobbyRes/Prefab/MirrorCustom.prefab
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
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@@ -208,9 +208,9 @@
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 --- !u!222 &3826220429120189721
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@
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 --- !u!1 &346541454764884968
@@ -1256,6 +1256,96 @@
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+  m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
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+  - component: {fileID: 104951364572014884}
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+  m_TagString: Untagged
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+--- !u!224 &104951364572014884
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+--- !u!222 &4448042390145655669
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@@ -1661,14 +1751,13 @@
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---- !u!114 &8876995894326144196
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@@ -3719,7 +3793,7 @@
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@@ -3749,20 +3823,6 @@
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---- !u!114 &2585558004867371274
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@@ -80,18 +81,39 @@
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@@ -100,16 +122,20 @@
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VRTK/Assets/VRRes/Shader/GrayScaleMat.mat (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/Shader/GrayScaleMat.mat
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
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+--- !u!21 &2100000
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+        m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0}
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VRTK/Assets/VRRes/Shader/GrayScaleMat.mat.meta (Renamed from VRTK/Assets/VRRes/Shader/New Material.mat.meta)
--- VRTK/Assets/VRRes/Shader/New Material.mat.meta
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/Shader/GrayScaleMat.mat.meta
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
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VRTK/Assets/VRRes/Shader/GrayScaleShader.shader (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/Shader/GrayScaleShader.shader
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+Shader "Custom/GrayScaleShader"
+    Properties
+    {
+        _MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
+        _StencilComp ("Stencil Comparison", Float) = 8
+		_Stencil ("Stencil ID", Float) = 0
+		_StencilOp ("Stencil Operation", Float) = 0
+		_StencilWriteMask ("Stencil Write Mask", Float) = 255
+		_StencilReadMask ("Stencil Read Mask", Float) = 255
+		_ColorMask ("Color Mask", Float) = 15
+    }
+    SubShader
+    {
+        Tags { "RenderType"="Transparent" "Queue"= "Transparent"}
+        Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
+        ZWrite Off
+        Cull Off
+        LOD 100
+  //       Stencil
+		// {
+		// 	Ref [_Stencil]
+		// 	Comp [_StencilComp]
+		// 	Pass [_StencilOp] 
+		// 	ReadMask [_StencilReadMask]
+		// 	WriteMask [_StencilWriteMask]
+		// }
+ 	// 	ColorMask [_ColorMask]
+        Pass
+        {
+            CGPROGRAM
+            #pragma vertex vert
+            #pragma fragment frag
+            // make fog work
+            //#pragma multi_compile_fog
+            #include "UnityCG.cginc"
+            struct appdata
+            {
+                float4 vertex : POSITION;
+                float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
+            };
+            struct v2f
+            {
+                float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
+                //UNITY_FOG_COORDS(1)
+                float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;
+            };
+            sampler2D _MainTex;
+            float4 _MainTex_ST;
+            v2f vert (appdata v)
+            {
+                v2f o;
+                o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
+                o.uv = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.uv, _MainTex);
+                //UNITY_TRANSFER_FOG(o,o.vertex);
+                return o;
+            }
+            fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
+            {
+                // sample the texture
+                fixed4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);
+                // apply fog
+                //UNITY_APPLY_FOG(i.fogCoord, col);
+                float gray = dot(col.rgb, float3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114));
+                return fixed4(gray, gray, gray, col.a);
+            }
+            ENDCG
+        }
+    }
+    FallBack "Diffuse"
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/Shader/GrayScaleShader.shader.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/Shader/GrayScaleShader.shader.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
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+  assetBundleName: 
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--- VRTK/Assets/VRRes/Shader/New Material.mat
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---- !u!21 &2100000
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---- !u!114 &6438305878780646730
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--- VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VRUI/00.Prefab/VRUI_TK(legacy).prefab
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VRUI/00.Prefab/VRUI_TK(legacy).prefab
@@ -1985,7 +1985,6 @@
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+  nowProgram: 
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+  nowSelectCoachFileName: 
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@@ -7090,17 +7091,18 @@
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+  currentScoreVal: {fileID: 0}
+  bestScoreVal: {fileID: 0}
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+  lobbyBtn: {fileID: 0}
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 --- !u!1 &2066296754677457703
--- VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VRUI/00.Prefab/VRUI_TK.prefab
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VRUI/00.Prefab/VRUI_TK.prefab
This diff is too big to display.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VRUI/Basic/10.Store.prefab (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VRUI/Basic/10.Store.prefab
This file is too big to display.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VRUI/Basic/10.Store.prefab.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VRUI/Basic/10.Store.prefab.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VRUI/Basic/MetaTestAsset.prefab (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VRUI/Basic/MetaTestAsset.prefab
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VRUI/Basic/MetaTestAsset.prefab.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VRUI/Basic/MetaTestAsset.prefab.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
--- VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VRUI/Basic/Result.prefab
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VRUI/Basic/Result.prefab
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VRUI/Basic/SwitchToggle.prefab (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VRUI/Basic/SwitchToggle.prefab
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VRUI/Basic/SwitchToggle.prefab.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VRUI/Basic/SwitchToggle.prefab.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
--- VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Prefab/VR_IK_Rig.prefab
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Prefab/VR_IK_Rig.prefab
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_ticket.png (Binary) (added)
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Binary file is not shown
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+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_ticket.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_tier01.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_tier01.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_tier01.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_tier01.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_tier02.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_tier02.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_tier02.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_tier02.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_tier03.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_tier03.png
Binary file is not shown
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This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_tier04.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_tier04.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_tier04.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_tier04.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_tier05.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_tier05.png
Binary file is not shown
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+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_tier05.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_tier07.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_tier07.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_tier07.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_tier07.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_tier08.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_tier08.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_tier08.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Achievement/Icon_arena_tier08.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
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Binary file is not shown
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This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Coin.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Coin.meta
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VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Coin/coin_Big.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Coin/coin_Big.png
Binary file is not shown
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This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
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+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Coin/coin_Huge.png
Binary file is not shown
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This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Coin/coin_Middle.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Coin/coin_Middle.png
Binary file is not shown
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This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
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+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Coin/coin_Small.png
Binary file is not shown
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This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
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+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Map.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Map/GuroGym.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Map/GuroGym.png
Binary file is not shown
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+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Map/GuroGym.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
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+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Map/SnowMountain.jpg
Binary file is not shown
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+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Map/SnowMountain.jpg.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Sale.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Sale.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Sale/ribbon_Best.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Sale/ribbon_Best.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Sale/ribbon_Best.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Sale/ribbon_Best.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Sale/ribbon_Event.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Sale/ribbon_Event.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Sale/ribbon_Event.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Sale/ribbon_Event.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Sale/ribbon_Sale.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Sale/ribbon_Sale.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Sale/ribbon_Sale.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Sale/ribbon_Sale.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Sale/ribbon_Soldout.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Sale/ribbon_Soldout.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Sale/ribbon_Soldout.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Sale/ribbon_Soldout.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Sale/ribbon_new.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Sale/ribbon_new.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Sale/ribbon_new.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Sale/ribbon_new.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Sale/ribbon_sold out.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Sale/ribbon_sold out.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Sale/ribbon_sold out.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Sale/ribbon_sold out.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Tkbelt.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Tkbelt.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Tkbelt/belt.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Tkbelt/belt.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Tkbelt/belt.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Tkbelt/belt.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Tkclothes.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Tkclothes.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Tkclothes/TkUniform.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Tkclothes/TkUniform.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Tkclothes/TkUniform.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Tkclothes/TkUniform.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Tkthing.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Tkthing.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Tkthing/TKequipment.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Tkthing/TKequipment.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Tkthing/TKequipment.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/Tkthing/TKequipment.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/btn_buy.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/btn_buy.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/btn_buy.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/btn_buy.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/btn_dropbox.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/btn_dropbox.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/btn_dropbox.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/btn_dropbox.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/tab_off.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/tab_off.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/tab_off.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/tab_off.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/tab_on.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/tab_on.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/tab_on.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/Store/tab_on.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/16_setting.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/16_setting.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/16_setting.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/16_setting.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Ellipse 775.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Ellipse 775.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Ellipse 775.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Ellipse 775.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Ellipse 776.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Ellipse 776.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Ellipse 776.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Ellipse 776.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Ellipse 779.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Ellipse 779.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Ellipse 779.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Ellipse 779.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/RankBg.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/RankBg.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/RankBg.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/RankBg.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Ranking_guage2.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Ranking_guage2.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Ranking_guage2.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Ranking_guage2.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Rectangle 5927.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Rectangle 5927.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Rectangle 5927.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Rectangle 5927.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Rectangle 5947.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Rectangle 5947.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Rectangle 5947.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Rectangle 5947.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Rectangle 5949.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Rectangle 5949.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Rectangle 5949.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/Rectangle 5949.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/bell-minus.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/bell-minus.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/bell-minus.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/bell-minus.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/bell-plus.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/bell-plus.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/bell-plus.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/bell-plus.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/ranking_guage.png (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/ranking_guage.png
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/ranking_guage.png.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/VRRes/VR_Step_Imgs/UI/ranking_guage.png.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/XR/Loaders/SimulationLoader.asset (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/XR/Loaders/SimulationLoader.asset
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/XR/Loaders/SimulationLoader.asset.meta (copied from VRTK/Assets/VRRes/Shader/New Material.mat.meta)
--- VRTK/Assets/VRRes/Shader/New Material.mat.meta
+++ VRTK/Assets/XR/Loaders/SimulationLoader.asset.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/XR/Resources.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/XR/Resources.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/XR/Resources/XRSimulationRuntimeSettings.asset (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/XR/Resources/XRSimulationRuntimeSettings.asset
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/XR/Resources/XRSimulationRuntimeSettings.asset.meta (copied from VRTK/Assets/VRRes/Shader/New Material.mat.meta)
--- VRTK/Assets/VRRes/Shader/New Material.mat.meta
+++ VRTK/Assets/XR/Resources/XRSimulationRuntimeSettings.asset.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/XR/Settings/OpenXR Package Settings.asset
--- VRTK/Assets/XR/Settings/OpenXR Package Settings.asset
+++ VRTK/Assets/XR/Settings/OpenXR Package Settings.asset
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/XR/Settings/XRSimulationSettings.asset (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/XR/Settings/XRSimulationSettings.asset
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/XR/Settings/XRSimulationSettings.asset.meta (copied from VRTK/Assets/VRRes/Shader/New Material.mat.meta)
--- VRTK/Assets/VRRes/Shader/New Material.mat.meta
+++ VRTK/Assets/XR/Settings/XRSimulationSettings.asset.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/XR/UserSimulationSettings.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/XR/UserSimulationSettings.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/XR/UserSimulationSettings/Resources.meta (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/XR/UserSimulationSettings/Resources.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/XR/UserSimulationSettings/Resources/XRSimulationPreferences.asset (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/XR/UserSimulationSettings/Resources/XRSimulationPreferences.asset
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/XR/UserSimulationSettings/Resources/XRSimulationPreferences.asset.meta (copied from VRTK/Assets/VRRes/Shader/New Material.mat.meta)
--- VRTK/Assets/VRRes/Shader/New Material.mat.meta
+++ VRTK/Assets/XR/UserSimulationSettings/Resources/XRSimulationPreferences.asset.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/XR/UserSimulationSettings/SimulationEnvironmentAssetsManager.asset (added)
+++ VRTK/Assets/XR/UserSimulationSettings/SimulationEnvironmentAssetsManager.asset
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Assets/XR/UserSimulationSettings/SimulationEnvironmentAssetsManager.asset.meta (copied from VRTK/Assets/VRRes/Shader/New Material.mat.meta)
--- VRTK/Assets/VRRes/Shader/New Material.mat.meta
+++ VRTK/Assets/XR/UserSimulationSettings/SimulationEnvironmentAssetsManager.asset.meta
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
--- VRTK/Assets/YetAnotherProgressBar/Materials/LitGreen.mat
+++ VRTK/Assets/YetAnotherProgressBar/Materials/LitGreen.mat
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Bundle/Bundle (Binary)
--- VRTK/Bundle/Bundle
+++ VRTK/Bundle/Bundle
Binary file is not shown
--- VRTK/Bundle/Bundle.manifest
+++ VRTK/Bundle/Bundle.manifest
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Bundle/mqdhtest (Binary) (added)
+++ VRTK/Bundle/mqdhtest
Binary file is not shown
VRTK/Bundle/mqdhtest.manifest (added)
+++ VRTK/Bundle/mqdhtest.manifest
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Bundle/vrobj/mirrorcustom (Binary)
--- VRTK/Bundle/vrobj/mirrorcustom
+++ VRTK/Bundle/vrobj/mirrorcustom
Binary file is not shown
--- VRTK/Bundle/vrobj/mirrorcustom.manifest
+++ VRTK/Bundle/vrobj/mirrorcustom.manifest
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Bundle/vrtaekwondo/go0003 (Binary)
--- VRTK/Bundle/vrtaekwondo/go0003
+++ VRTK/Bundle/vrtaekwondo/go0003
Binary file is not shown
--- VRTK/Bundle/vrtaekwondo/go0003.manifest
+++ VRTK/Bundle/vrtaekwondo/go0003.manifest
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Bundle/vrui/vrui_belly (Binary)
--- VRTK/Bundle/vrui/vrui_belly
+++ VRTK/Bundle/vrui/vrui_belly
Binary file is not shown
--- VRTK/Bundle/vrui/vrui_belly.manifest
+++ VRTK/Bundle/vrui/vrui_belly.manifest
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Bundle/vrui/vrui_kpop (Binary)
--- VRTK/Bundle/vrui/vrui_kpop
+++ VRTK/Bundle/vrui/vrui_kpop
Binary file is not shown
--- VRTK/Bundle/vrui/vrui_kpop.manifest
+++ VRTK/Bundle/vrui/vrui_kpop.manifest
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Bundle/vrui/vrui_tk (Binary)
--- VRTK/Bundle/vrui/vrui_tk
+++ VRTK/Bundle/vrui/vrui_tk
Binary file is not shown
--- VRTK/Bundle/vrui/vrui_tk.manifest
+++ VRTK/Bundle/vrui/vrui_tk.manifest
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
VRTK/Bundle/vrui/vruicommon (Binary)
--- VRTK/Bundle/vrui/vruicommon
+++ VRTK/Bundle/vrui/vruicommon
Binary file is not shown
--- VRTK/Bundle/vrui/vruicommon.manifest
+++ VRTK/Bundle/vrui/vruicommon.manifest
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
--- VRTK/ProjectSettings/EditorBuildSettings.asset
+++ VRTK/ProjectSettings/EditorBuildSettings.asset
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
--- VRTK/ProjectSettings/ProjectSettings.asset
+++ VRTK/ProjectSettings/ProjectSettings.asset
This diff is skipped because there are too many other diffs.
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